Video Recording plus Digital Support Materials

Dive straight into the art of crafting transformative retreat experiences that not only resonate with people you were born to work with, but also have them clamoring to sign up.

This course is your blueprint for designing events that merge profitability with passion, teaching you everything from selecting spectacular locations to establishing an irresistible retreat theme. You'll learn the inner foundation of marketing your retreat, pricing strategies that work, and the essentials of schedule planning that keeps participants engaged, but continuously integrates what they are discovering.

Ready to turn your retreat vision into an in-demand reality? I'll be sharing my pearls (from 15 years of experience selling out retreats) on how to build a loyal community connected to your Unique "Medicine," and create a buzz that reaches far beyond your event.

By the end of this course, you'll possess the know-how to deliver an unforgettable experience, ensuring that your retreat doesn't just sell out, but also leaves a lasting impression that has participants eager to return and spread the word.

Get ready to elevate your retreat game to extraordinary heights and watch as your dream project becomes a must attend event for others!

What you will discover...

When crafting this workshop and support materials, my focus was wholeheartedly on the unique needs of someone just like YOU who's diving into the retreat planning world with a big-heart desire to make an impact: your dream to create lasting change with your participants while also wanting to flow beautiful money.

I've organized the content to guide you through the most critical steps, ensuring that you not only master the essentials, but also discover the nuances that turn a good retreat into a remarkable one.

Think of this as your roadmap to creating experiences that resonate deeply with your participants, events they'll rave about to friends, fueling your success through word-of-mouth. You're in the right place if you're seeking a blend of practical strategy and inspiring creativity, all structured in an easy-to-follow format that respects your time and expertise.

In this 2 hour video, I will be sharing with you:

How to land on a retreat theme that nourishes your Soul and sells out your events

Three retreat structures that create lasting change for participants and create residual income for you

The most essential mindset hacks to get you from procrastination, avoidance and fear to actually doing it and receiving in satisfying ways (at the level you truly want)

How to price your retreat so that you go from struggle to luxurious receiving 

Following are additional support materials included:

Hone in on your unique retreat style through understanding your Creator Type

Get clearer on your Personal Medicine and how this connects to the "promise" of your retreat

Begin to create the written marketing copy for your retreat that is totally aligned with your Soul's passion and authenticity

All of this combined creates a magnetism that calls in the right-fit people to sell out your events!

Workshop Information and Support Materials

Choose a Pricing Option

Your Guide

Tiffany Carole is a seasoned educator and entrepreneur whose life's work revolves around crafting transformative experiences. With her deep-seated expertise in creating sold-out retreats, Tiffany has mastered the art of cultivating spaces where personal breakthroughs and professional development converge. Passionate about the art of teaching, she effortlessly draws on the rich textures of energetic medicine to guide individuals towards their fullest expression. Her approach is both grounded and transcendent, marrying time-honored wisdom with a keen understanding of today's cultural pulse.

This commitment to bridging the gap between theory and tangible change marks Tiffany as not just a teacher, but a mentor, whose retreats are imbued with the authenticity and connectivity that today's heart-based-seekers crave. By honing in on the delicate interplay between instruction and inspiration, she equips her participants with the tools needed to not only envision but actively manifest their ideal future, effectively becoming luminaries in their own right. Tiffany's sessions are a testament to her belief in the transformative power of collective learning and the boundless potential of the human spirit to create, heal, and thrive.


Designing Retreats That Enthrall and Fill Every Slot


Crafting Life-Changing Experiences That Attract and Convert


Building Memorable Retreats That Create Lasting Impressions and Loyal Clients