Tending The Pelvic Bowl: Pelvic Care with Essential Oils

Energetic Understandings + Essential Oil Medicine to Transform and Radically Support the Pelvic Bowl

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This truly rich course consists of videos, audios, point charts and a wonderfully supportive PDF booklet for reference.

It is open to anyone on healing path, but it is oriented for health care providers who support pelvic health and treat pelvic conditions.

Each "lesson" is 50 minutes or less, and there are 12 lessons in total. This is self paced program and once you register you have unlimited access to the content for three years.

Questions can be posted in the "comments" section under each lesson. Once registered, there is also an Aroma Point Therapy forum that you can access for posting questions and comments.

While you are encouraged to practice the point and oil combinations and protocols on others and have another treat you for healing and learning purposes, you can absolutely practice on yourself as you go through the material. You will be guided through video on where to put the oils as well as guidance in technique and other considerations.

What a brilliant journey this will be! Join me by enrolling now, or read on to learn more...


The Pelvic Bowl makes up an integral source for personal power; both energetically and physically.

On a physical level the muscles that span the pelvic floor support the pelvic organs of the bladder, bowels and prostate in men, and bladder, bowels, uterus and ovaries in women. These muscles literally hold up our insides and have a large impact on elimination of waste from the body. There are many conditions that impact the pelvic region, included but not limited to cysts, tumors, endometriosis, swollen prostate, accumulation of fluids, scar tissue, surgeries, unexplained infertility, sexual abuse and violation, and chronic unresolved shame and guilt patterns.

On an energetic level, the Pelvic region is one of the best renewable sources of energy and creativity in the body. A healthy and vital pelvis plays an integral role in our cultivation of authentic and empowered creations and relationships in the world. It is a source of sexual energy, but also the home of our vital “Fire” and divine potency. It is an area of power, potential and possibility. It is also an area that has been historically abused, violated, deemed dirty, feared and despised, shunned and ignored, and used as a dumping ground for ancestral legacies of shame and guilt.

The Taoist call this area the “Cauldron of Desire” and have elaborate practices for circulating qi energy from the pelvis through the rest of the body. Indian Yoga adepts have practices to circulate Prana through this area. Dr. Wilhelm Reich, famed Austrian doctor of medicine and psychoanalyst, called this energy Orgone energy and stressed the importance of circulating it through the pelvis and body. Today we have key essential oils that can help to awaken, circulate and transform the pelvis.

In this time of a great unveiling of that which has been buried and denied; a time of revelation of individual and collective shadow, we need support in the healthy reclamation of our pelvic area. Clearing and conditioning the pelvis allows us to navigate the intensities of today’s world whilst standing in our authentic power and wisdom. Working with the energy flow in the pelvis, for both males and females, can be one of the most positive health altering experiences; physically, emotionally and soulfully.

As we relieve excess fluid build-up (dampness), tone and tighten lymphatic vessels, move damaging energy stagnation, and correct certain back flow patterns born of chronic shame, violations and guilt, the pelvis has an opportunity to shift, clear and literally power up. This gives way to an extraordinary and clear connection to our intuition, our instincts, our primary healthy desires, and our personal power and creativity. The impacts of these shifts reach into every facet of our lives including sexuality, relationships, money, our sense of purpose, our creations and our visions for the future.

There are 12 Key Essential Oils that support these processes brilliantly.

There are 8 Key Aroma Point style treatments that effectively and powerfully shift the dynamics of the pelvis.

In understanding these oils and treatments you can support conditions of the pelvis including but limited to:

Pelvic Pain

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Abnormal tissue growth

Pelvic ‘heaviness’ and boggy tissue

PMS symptoms including abnormal menses

Swollen prostate

Urogenital and bowel conditions

Fertility issues

Sexual dysfunction

Hormonal imbalances

On a soulful and spiritual level, understanding these oils and specific treatments aids us in transforming legacies of abuses and misuses of power, sexual violation and abuse, as well as the fall-out of chronic co-dependency and exhausting controlling behaviors, including chronic worry and addictive tendencies.

Additionally, tending to the Pelvic Bowl frees one to transition through potentially challenging periods in life, such as the onset of menses, pregnancy and child birth as well as menopause, with direct connection to the body’s wisdom and grace. Understanding these key oils and acupoints is a truly empowering experience; one that continues to grow even after our rich, two days together.

In Pelvic Care with Essential Oils you will discover…

· The top 12 essential oils for pelvic care and woman’s health
· 8 Key acupoint style treatments for the physical and energetic conditions listed above
· A modular approach to creating effective treatments for yourself and your clients
· A grounded and practical assessment process that empowers you in your work with women
· An understanding of the key essential oils that support transitions in woman
· Discovery of the “inner nature” of 12 key acupoints to support the pelvis and woman’s health
· A larger healing context for sexual trauma and violation
· Practical tools for supporting the resolution of sexual trauma
· Empowerment and reclamation of your pelvis through potent self-care with essential oils

This is important, timely and ground-breaking work with the oils. If you are a practitioner supporting woman’s health, or would like keys to supporting your own potency and vibrancy through the pelvis, please do enroll.

I am truly heart-full to be sharing and co-creating in this way with you

Click below to register now.

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Your Instructor

Tiffany Carole MS LAc., EAMP
Tiffany Carole MS LAc., EAMP

Tiffany Carole, a life-long teacher, has an uncanny way of of honoring both the logical and intuitive in such a way that allows for brilliant integrations and meaningful upgrades in development on all levels.

Tiffany draws on her background in science and naturopathic medicine, and merges this with her deep passion and developmental understanding of Chinese and energetic medicine. Tiffany is the creator and facilitator of Aroma Point Therapies, creator of the Master Healer program, teaches professionally accredited seminars in The Treatment of Addictions with Energetic Medicine, The Treatment of Mental and Emotional Conditions with Essentials Oils, and Pelvic Care with Essential Oils. She has many other unique courses that support Empathic individuals, Children, Teens and those desiring to transform trans-generational trauma.

Tiffany is the co-creator of Blue Dolphin Essential Oils for children and a contributor to Monara Essential Oils, supporting those in the healing arts with quality essential oils and education. Tiffany is a published author of Chinese and Energetic Medicine articles and is an activist in regards to personal and collective empowerment through natural medicine.

Course Curriculum

  Putting it All Together: Complex cases and Creating Your Own Treatments
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We certainly don't want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 14 days, explain the nature of your dissatisfaction and we will refund you. Send your notes on the matter to [email protected].

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