Supporting Teens with Essential Oils
Seriously Helpful Guidance and Support for Teens
Teens and "Tweens" today face many challenges that simply didn't exist even 15 years ago.
Generally speaking they also have sensitive nervous systems and are overall quite empathetic.
The essential oils are extraordinary allies for teens, their practitioners and their families. Simply put, using essential oils, in a skillful way within a big context, is one of the most helpful and restorative healing modalities that we can offer.
In this course you will discover...
- How to support transitions and changes: Hormones and mood swings
- The nature of shen (mental and emotional body) and shen imbalances in teens from an individual, familial and cultural perspective
- How to create effective take-home blends for teens
- Point and oil combinations that work
- Safety considerations that are essential when using EO's on teens
This material is delivered to you in two, 90 minute, easy to download audios, plus a written e-book with several key Aroma Acupoint Therapy style treatments.
Included are guidelines for giving and receiving Aroma Acupoint Therapy style treatments.
Additionally you will receive six Acupoint and EO treatment cards with incredibly potent and timely treatments laid out in a manner that is easy to understand. They clearly show point locations so even if you do not have a background in Acupuncture you will be able to do the treatments with ease and confidence.
Treatments included:
- Relieve Teenage Fear and Anxiety
- Teenager Super Support: Helps counter balance the effects of social media and weakened nervous system
- Relieve Narcissism and Approval Addiction
- Integrating Ego self with Higher Self: Remembrance, Resurrection and Integration treatment
- Frustration, Anger, Resignation to Creative Visionary
- Tree of Life Spinal Treatment
All of these treatments have been clinically tested by both Tiffany and her students and they can be truly potent and empowering at the right times.
Your Instructor
Tiffany Carole, a life-long teacher, has an uncanny way of of honoring both the logical and intuitive in such a way that allows for brilliant integrations and meaningful upgrades in development on all levels.
Tiffany draws on her background in science and naturopathic medicine, and merges this with her deep passion and developmental understanding of Chinese and energetic medicine. Tiffany is the creator and facilitator of Aroma Point Therapies, creator of the Master Healer program, teaches professionally accredited seminars in The Treatment of Addictions with Energetic Medicine, The Treatment of Mental and Emotional Conditions with Essentials Oils, and Pelvic Care with Essential Oils. She has many other unique courses that support Empathic individuals, Children, Teens and those desiring to transform trans-generational trauma.
Tiffany is the co-creator of Blue Dolphin Essential Oils for children and a contributor to Monara Essential Oils, supporting those in the healing arts with quality essential oils and education. Tiffany is a published author of Chinese and Energetic Medicine articles and is an activist in regards to personal and collective empowerment through natural medicine.